Of course, there’s a catch. NVIDIA has tested over 400 FreeSync monitors, and have only found 12 monitors that have worked smoothly enough to be officially certified—the other hundreds of monitors may have sub-par adaptive sync performance. The non-certified ones often stutter from frame skipping, black frames, and instability. However, even with this draw back, it’s still great for consumers. It’s still quite possible that even more monitors will end up being approved with possible driver updates for the graphics cards. If NVIDIA makes more monitors compatible with their graphics cards, they are going to be unstoppable for the next few months.
Of course, there’s a catch. NVIDIA has tested over 400 FreeSync monitors, and have only found 12 monitors that have worked smoothly enough to be officially certified—the other hundreds of monitors may have sub-par adaptive sync performance. The non-certified ones often stutter from frame skipping, black frames, and instability. However, even with this draw back, it’s still great for consumers. It’s still quite possible that even more monitors will end up being approved with possible driver updates for the graphics cards. If NVIDIA makes more monitors compatible with their graphics cards, they are going to be unstoppable for the next few months.
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